Jasmin Geljo iz Toronta za “Avaz”: Šta bi Mima Šiš rekla na temu koronavirusa

Ponekad se osjećam kao neko tropsko drvo, isčupano iz neke prelijepe džungle i premješteno pod nekakvo stakleno zvono, kaže Geljo Glumac Jasmin Geljo (60) rodno Sarajevo zamijenio je kanadskim Torontom prije skoro tri decenije. Mada, u svoj grad često dolazi. Malo ko ne zna za predstavu „Audicija“, koja je prvi put odigrana 1984. godine kao dio nastavnog […]

Reclaiming His Role in Life: A Refugee’s Return to the Stage

Jasmin Geljo escaped the Bosnian war and moved to Canada as a refugee in 1993. The life he left behind—as an actor on a famous TV show—disappeared and Geljo picked up odd jobs to survive. With diligence, he learned to speak English and began acting again. Now, 20 years later, he’s back in the game […]

Canadian Screen Awards nominee Jasmin Geljo on starting over after superstardom

Jasmin Geljo is nominated for Best Actor at this year’s Canadian Screen Awards. But the road there hasn’t been without some major bumps — as he tells us in this edition of Storytellers, where artists share some of the most critical moments in their creative lives. In the 1980s, Geljo was an easily recognizable face on Yugoslavian television. He played Mima, a character […]